Flexible working reforms..

Posted 4/3/2024 by Yvonne Miller

Very interesting read at this years first Newsletter published by The HR Practice;


There are a considerable number of UK Employment Law updates coming in to force in 2024, the most significant, amongst them are the reforms to the Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023And with a recent survey carried out by People Management, where a whopping 72% of employees say ”flexible working is more important to them when considering a new role than a pay
rise”, now is the time for employers to take action. Under the reforms, which will become law from 6th April 2024, will be:

  • The right to request flexible working arrangements from day one;
  • The right to make two applications within a 12 month period;
  • The time an employer has to respond to an application (3 months, to 2 months); and
  • The need for employees to explain how their flexible working arrangements will impact the business; however, the stated reasons for refusing an application remain unchanged.

Get in touch with The HR Practice for so much more information on how they can help you update your flexible working policies ; info@thehrpractice.co.uk


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